
You can find as Eumundi Markets as well as other venues

You can find Jill and her band of slithery educators out and about on Queensland’s beautiful Sunshine Coast. Everywhere from the Eumundi Markets to kids birthdays parties on the Coast. She is a regular at events and functions held all over the coast. Whether it be fears or phobias or just an interest in educating yourselves or your children came along for a look.

Wherever you find Jill and her friends you will find a heart warming welcome and a willingness to share information and answer all your questions about our scaly cousins. The kids (big and little) can often get their photos take handling one of Jill’s cold blooded companions.

Find Jill at:

Twilight Community Market Moolooolaba
Every Friday 3-8pm held at The Wharf.
Parkyn Parade, Mooloolaba QLD 4557

To find out more about organizing your own private function or to book a class activity visit or contact us page and call Jill or send her an e-mail

or call to book on Mob: 0411 558 827 or Home: 07 5478 1315 .

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